Welcome to the first full week of school. We are transitioning into routines and expectations. Please continue to discuss Tribes and classroom rules at home. Today we sent out the homework folders for the first time. Please initial daily after each indicated date. As part of their homework they are to color in the Behavior Graphing their daily grade. Three purples (2 pinks =1 purple) will earn them a special lunch with the teacher. Also I sent out all of the high frequency words that need to be learned this year. This packet is not homework, but it can be helpful to cut them out and glue them on postcards and practice speed and accuracy. The homework is indicated on the agenda. PE will be on Thursdays. All homework will be collected on Friday, but folder needs to be brought in daily and placed in the file box in the morning. Homework agenda went home. Also I received a lot of number 2 pencils and I requested the thick Ticonderoga #2 pencils, if you purchased the wrong ones please bring them in at a later time. Some students still need the primary composition books with the dotted grids and half the section for an illustration.
Thanks and have a blessed day. Feel free to call me or email me at agomez@stanthontgardena.org
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