8:00 ATTENDANCE – Please comment “HERE” in our agenda on REL GoogleClassroom for daily attendance between 8-8:15am. We need this for official Gradelink attendance every day. Thank you!
8:15 MASS – Go to the Word on Fire Daily Mass (click link here) to attend Mass this morning as normally scheduled for Friday
9:00 ZOOM MEETING (REL Participation Points for being present) – Click on the link in our agenda on REL GoogleClassroom to enter the Zoom Meeting for Marian Consecration Day 31
Read for AR (20min) *keep track of the page numbers you are reading! Work on your AR Journal Entry for the day (see post ON ELA GoogleClassroom).
*HOMEWORK: In your NEATEST print or cursive, hand-copy the Final Consecration Prayer and decorate the page. Leave a space at the bottom to sign and date it on your Consecration Day (Handwriting and Art Grades – Due TUES 3/24) + Quill Activity and finish any make-up work that you are missing on Quill or ELA GoogleClassroom from In the Face of Darkness (see my comments if you did not submit assignments from last week!).
*NOTE: Handwriting p.66-69 (DUE YESTERDAY – for those having trouble uploading pics to ELA GoogleClassroom…send to photos to GoogleDrive and then upload from GoogleDrive to GoogleClassroom…you may need to try on a laptop or desktop computer)
*For MONDAY: We will meet for Marian Consecration Day 32 on Zoom at 9:00am
8.RL.10 – By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, at the high end of grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
8.L.1 – Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
8.L.2 – Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
F1 – Is Knowledgeable of the traditions and practices of the Catholic Faith.
TS1 – Spirit- Incorporate prayer and self-reflection into his/her life.
S2 – Utilizes digital technology and social media responsibly.
A1 – Is an effective communicator through a variety of media.
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