Dear Junior High Parents,
I hope you are all doing well! We are wrapping up our College Fair projects this week, and the students will need to bring their Presentation Boards to school tomorrow, Tuesday 10/12 so we can have them set up for the College Fair on Wednesday 10/13.
Rather than gathering all the students in the Hall as we have in the past, we will distribute the students throughout the 3 Junior High classrooms with 2 younger classes coming to tour each room. Unfortunately, because we are still limiting visitors on campus, families will not be able to attend this year, but we will make sure to take lots of pictures and videos!
The students may wear Business attire or Formal Mass uniform on Wednesday.
They will be getting their Rough Drafts back with suggested edits so they can finish the Final Draft of their essays by this Friday.
PLEASE NOTE: We will begin our Novel Studies next week (Monday 10/18), so please make sure that your child has his/her book by then. See the links for ordering information through These are the books that each grade level needs:
- 6th Grade: The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare
- 7th Grade: The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia Book Set is required)
- 8th Grade: In the Face of Darkness: The Heroic Life and Death of Mother Luisita by Sr. Timothy Marie Kennedy
Thank you so much!
Have a blessed week,
Mrs. Dyogi
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