Hello Third Grade Families,
Blessed Sunday! Here are the information you need for this week. Please read…
Math Homework
(Monday) 9.5 Compare and Order Fractions
(Tuesday) 9.6 Investigate * Model Equivalent Fractions
(Wednesday) 9.7 Equivalent Fractions
(Thursday) Chapter 9 Extra Practice
ELA Homework
(Monday) Reader’s Notebook pp. 29-30
(Tuesday) Reader’s Notebook pp. 31-32
(Wednesday) Reader’s Notebook pp. 33-34
(Thursday) Reader’s Notebook pp. 37-38
Word Study (Words with /k/ and /kw/)
Study words like quiet, croaking, music, quite, queen, quack, joke, tractor, second, squeeze, squat, Africa, Mexico, question, correct, and words similar to it.
Target Vocabulary: Complete daily practice. Upload all completed work in Google Classroom Thursdays on/before 7pm
** (Monday) worksheet
** (Tuesday) worksheet
** (Wednesday) worksheet
** (Thursday) No paper homework. Practice the words.
1. fossils – very old traces or remains of plants or animals
2. clues – things that help solve a mystery or problem
3. remains – what is left
4. prove – to show by using facts
5. evidence – facts that lead to a conclusion or help people find out what is true
6. skeletons – frameworks of bones inside or outside of bodies
7. uncovering – opening to view
8. buried – covered up
9. fierce – very wild and dangerous
10. location – place where something is
Friday, May 6
* Target Vocabulary (Spelling and Application Test)
* Word Study (Spelling and Application Test)
* Adjectives Quiz
* Religion: Unit 4 Test
Tuesday, May 10
* Math Chapter 9 Test
* Social Studies: Week 8 Assessment
SCIENCE: Growing Great! Project
* Students may submit their work on/before Friday, May 6.
* May 4: Final Mandatory General Parent Meeting at 6:30pm ($50 fine for non-participation, must attend the whole meeting)
* May 6: Muffins with Moms after 8AM Mass
* May 9 – 10: STAR Test Window 3
* May 12-13 and 16: Student Free Days!
* June 3: ST Math and AR must be at 100%.
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