Dear 7th Grade Families,
We had a great day today! All students seemed so happy to be back. We had our fun icebreakers and got to know three of our new students. So welcome to Evolet, Isaac, and Benjamin!
The students may continue to wear FREE DRESS all week. Please let me know if you have not received your uniform orders from Vicki Marsha and we will be lenient with uniform requirements for the first 3 weeks until they arrive. If your child does not have his/her uniform ready by Sept. 6, we will accept appropriate clothing that is school colors (blue, grey, white, back).
We will have 12noon dismissal all this week Monday-Friday. Starting next Tuesday 9/6, we will resume 3pm dismissal (except Wednesdays at 1:30pm). Afterschool Care will be available until 6pm daily. Please contact our Afterschool Coordinator Mrs. Pattie Padilla and submit the attached form as soon as possible. Spaces are limited.
NOTE: We will begin attending 8am DAILY MASS starting this Wednesday 9/1. I will open up the classroom at 7:45am for the students to drop off their backpacks, and we will walk over to the church as soon as Morning Prayer and Announcements are finished. The students will be marked tardy if they are not in the classroom by 7:50am each morning. They must also use the restroom either before leaving home or before walking upstairs so they do not leave in the middle of Mass.
TUESDAY 8/30 – 7th graders will stay in Homeroom. We will continue with class icebreaker activities and go over Mass etiquette and procedures.
WEDNESDAY 9/1 – Attend 8am Daily Mass today. Drop off backpack in the classroom at 7:45am. Junior High Policies and Procedures with 6-8 Teachers on Zoom. Junior High Bonding Activities on the yard.
THURSDAY 9/2 – Attend 8am Daily Mass today. Drop off backpack in classroom at 7:45am. First day of class rotations after Mass.
FRIDAY 9/3 – Attend 8am School Mass today. Drop off backpack in the classroom at 7:45am. Class rotations after Mass.
The students received their combination locks for their lockers today. I highly recommend getting a locker shelf to help organize books. Any standard locker shelf will do.
Music and PE classes will begin the week of September 6. PE shirts can be purchased in the office from Mr. Aguilar. PE shorts must be purchased from Vicki Marsha. We will have a Gently Used Uniform Sale on Sept. 13 & 14.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much! God bless.
In Christ,
Sr. Tho
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