Dear Parents,
We have now come to Holy Week. This is the week before Easter, and the holiest week of the Church Year. We will spend a lot of time as a class in prayer and spiritual activities. Because of this, and because it will be the week before Spring Break, there will be no homework (or Homework Help) or tests this week. Please see below some important bits of school news as well as our planned learning activities for the class. Thank you, parents, for all you do!
Mr. Farley
School News
- March 8-April 7 – Daily Breeze Voting (more information to come
- March 27 – All School Mass on Wed (formal Mass uniforms)
- March 28 — Noon Dismissal
- March 29-April 5– Easter Break
- April 8 – All School Mass for Feast of the Annunciation (formal Mass uniforms)
What We Will Learn this Week
Monday, March 25
- Religion: Holy Week
- Math: Easter Math Puzzles and Independent ST Math Time
- ELA Literature: Introduction to Classical Mythology
- ELA Writing: Writing the Final Draft of the Persuasive Essay
- Quiet Reading / AR
- Team-Building Activity: “Common Threads”
- Social Studies: Nearpod lesson: The Gold Rush
Tuesday, March 26
- Grades 3-5 Mass and Novena to St. Anthony
- Math: Nearpod lesson: Investigating Factors and Multiples
- ELA Literature: Introduction to World Mythology
- Music
- Quiet Reading / AR
- Social Studies: Gold Rush Board Game
- Independent ST Math time
Wednesday, March 27
- School Mass
- Math: ST Math and Prodigy time
- PE
- ELA: Readers’ Theater: Gospel Passion Narrative of St. Matthew
- Return Books to the Library
Thursday, March 28
- Quiet Reading / AR
- 3-5 Grade Lenten Retreat
- Live Stations of the Cross
- 3-5 Grade Big Game on the Field
- Noon dismissal
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