Dear Junior High Families,
Blessed Sunday and Welcome to SY: 2024-2025!
As parents, you have the greatest influence over the lives of your child. Students will be working together to form compassionate community of learners who exemplify Jesus Christ’s teachings. Additionally. we will have many fun and enriching classroom activities and projects. We sincerely look forward to forging partnerships with you, dear parents, in order to best serve our students.
Please take note of the following reminders for this week and also for the first day of school on Tuesday, August 20, 2024. I ask that you please read all of the information we post or email along with all of the attachments/ links.
On the first week of school, Aug. 20 – Aug. 23, Students will be wearing FREE DRESS, noon dismissal. Friday, 08/23 First School Mass, students wear their formal Mass uniforms or Sunday best.
Students may arrive as early as7:30am and will be marked tardy at 7:50am. Please be reminded that 7:50 AM is tardy bell. Know that for security purposes, ALL Gates will be closed at 8am daily, after the 7:50 tardy bell rings. We will secure the campus at that time.
AM Drop-Off Carline
Parents, we ask that you follow the crossing guards’ directions. Junior High Students drop off area is closer to the soccer field and/or library. Kindly pull up closer to that area to avoid traffic backlog. Please exit only on 161st Street between 7:30am to 7:50am in the morning and at dismissal. For those parked at the outer gate, please follow the same procedure and exit on 161st Street. Once the carline is over and the gate has closed, you may exit on Berendo Street.
8th Grade – blue benches in front of the library;
7th Grade – blue benches in front of the Daycare;
6th Grade – blue benches in front of the PE Room
Students should not play nor run around in the morning. Do not send your student in the classroom. Teachers will meet the students downstairs.
PM Dismissal Carline
* JH students will be seated and ready to be picked up by the bleachers.
* Multiple Children: the oldest sibling will join the youngest sibling at their designated pick-up area.
**Please see attached diagram of the AM and PM Carline.**
SAP Carline Rules and Guidelines:
o ALWAYS yield to pedestrians and our crossing guard volunteers
o ALWAYS maintain a speed limit of 5 MPH inside and around the school campus
o DO NOT block the crosswalk and the vehicle pathways
o Pedestrians MUST ALWAYS use the designated crosswalks
o DO NOT park in the red zone or in the side alley on 163rd Street
o School gates close promptly at 7:50am after drop-off and at 3:15pm after pickup. Once the gates are closed, you will need to park and enter through the pedestrian gate on 163rd Street.
o Parents, please do not exit your vehicle. Students, please always exit and enter through the right side of the car. If students need to come around the other side of the vehicle, please inform the teacher or the crossing guard so we can safely assist them.
COFFEE and DONUTS for ParentsTo welcome all families on our first day of school, we are offering donuts and coffees to all the parents. Please join us at the carline and brown benches. Donuts are only for parents/guardians not for students.
Students may wear PROPER free dress this week. Free dress clothing must be neat and modest. Parents/guardians are responsible to ensure that students are dressed in a manner suitable for Catholic school students. Students should observe good habits of grooming and personal hygiene and appropriate attire at all times.
Please check our parent-student handbook for more info about free dress.
Reminders that is only relevant to your class will be sent directly by your homeroom teacher.
Upcoming Events
* School calendar can be found (clicking here)
* Aug. 20 – First Day of School (Noon Dismissal)
* Aug. 20 – Aug. 23 – Noon Dismissal / Free Dress
* Aug. 26 – Aug. 30 – Regular schedule / Complete school uniform
* Sept. 2 – Labor Day (No School)
* Sept 3 and 4 – Junior High STAR Test Schedule (09/03 – STAR Reading / 09/04 – STAR Math)
Should you have questions / concerns, please do not hesitate to ask. If there are any changes, we will let you know right away.
Thank you all and God Bless!
Junior High Team
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