On the first week of school, August 20-August 23, students may wear appropriate FREE DRESS( please read below what is included in the definition of the school appropriate free dress attire). There is a noon Dismissal and DAYCARE will be available from 12-6pm. On Friday, August 23, first school mass, students should wear either their Sunday best or their Mass Uniforms.
Students may arrive as early as 7:30am and will be marked tardy at 7:50am at the tardy bell. As a reminder, 7.50 AM is the tardy bell. Know that for security purposes, ALL Gates will be closed at 8am daily, after the 7:50 tardy bell rings. We will secure the campus at that time.
When you arrive, students should wait by the brown benches in front of the office quietly. Students should not play nor run around in the morning.
Please NO lingering around the classroom and congregating. Please note that parents will not be allowed in the classroom.
PICK UP/ DROP OFF ( Attached picture)
Morning Drop-Off – CAR LINE
Grades 2-8: Students should be dropped off in the car line. Upon arrival, 4th graders must sit by the brown benches and wait for the 7:50 am attendance. The tardy bell rings at 7:50 am.
Parent Guidelines: Parents of students in grades 2-8 should not stay on campus after drop-off or pick-up.
Arrival Time: Please do not drop off children before 7:30 am, as there is no adult supervision before that time.
Entry/Exit: Enter through the Berendo gate and exit onto 161st St., adhering to a 5-mph speed limit.
Afternoon Pick-Up – CAR LINE
Grades 4 pickup : The fourth graders will wait by the St Jude statue
Multiple Children: If you have multiple children, the oldest sibling will join the youngest sibling at their designated pick-up spot.
I will be putting our temporary roster outside our classroom for students to check where to put their backpacks, I will be assisting them with this. Please know that our roster is NOT yet finalized. Students’ numbers may still change, please don’t label your child’s materials with their number. I will let all families know once we have the finalized roster. Hopefully, I can assign the numbers to the students in 2 weeks.
COFFEE & DONUTS for parents
To welcome all families on our first day of school, we are offering donuts and coffees to all the parents. Please join us at the carline and brown benches. Donuts are only for parents/guardians not for students!
Students may wear PROPER free dress this week. Free dress clothing must be neat and modest. Parents/guardians are responsible to ensure that students are dressed in a manner suitable for Catholic school students. Students should observe good habits of grooming and personal hygiene and appropriate attire at all times.
The following are NOT appropriate at any time:
· attire with inappropriate text or images
· Crop tops, tank tops,
· Flip-flops, open toed shoes or bare feet
· Overly torn/frayed, sagging, ripped pants
· Colored/Dyed Hair or Extreme hairstyles
· Nail Polish
· Long dangling earrings or large hoops
Please check our parent-student handbook for more info about free dress.
Please bring all/ complete school supplies on Tuesday Aug 20th, labeled with your child’s name, not their number.
· Fourth Grade Summer Packet
· Complete Personal supplies
· Student Emergency Kit
If you haven’t dropped off community supplies, please send them with your child or bring them to the classroom on the first day after school.
On the first day of school, your child will be bringing home several important forms that require your attention. These forms need to be read, completed, and signed.
Please note: All completed and signed forms are due back to the school by Friday, August 23.
To show our appreciation for your prompt attention to these forms, students who return all the completed forms by the due date will earn a Free Dress Pass.
Parents, kindly make sure to read our school’s handbook. The pages of the Parent/Student Handbook are filled with important information regarding school policy and procedures. Parents and students should review the contents together. If you have any questions, please call the school office. We feel that open and clear communication between school and home is important to the success of our educational program.
Parent & Teacher Communication (fekindi@stanthonygardena.org )
Email is the best way to contact me for any questions or concerns. I will try to respond to your email within 24hrs.
Upcoming events (School calendar can be found clicking here):
- Students Communication
Please have your student download google classroom and join the class either using this link or the class code tjtpf23.
I look forward to teaching your child this year and working with you to make the most of your child’s education. Our partnership is what will help the third graders continue to be so successful!
Bien Cordialement,
Florence Ekindi
4th grade Homeroom Teacher
St Anthony of Padua School
Tel. 310-329-7170
Fax 310-329-9843
1003 W 163rd St. Gardena, CA 90247
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