Dear Fifth Grade Families,
I hope everyone is well. Here’s a look at what’s coming up this week, 9/23-9/27. Please make sure to read all important information to avoid questions that are clearly stated on all emails. I would greatly appreciate it! If you missed my email last week, you can check out my school blog;
Student’s School Planner
Students must always write their homework and color their behavior each day in their planners. They need to show it to their parents and have them sign it. I will check it by Friday.
Graded Test Papers
On Mondays, I will be sending home checked and graded test papers from our Thursday and Friday assessments. Please take time to go over them with your child, sign and return it by Tuesday.
Friday, Sept. 27th
I will be absent from school on Friday, Sept. 27th as I will be attending the ADLA TIP. During my absence, Mrs. Patel might be substituting for me.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this absence or any class-related matters, please feel free to reach out to me. I will do my best to respond as soon as possible.
Focus of the Week
- Math: Multiplication Fluency, Relate Multiplication to Division
- Reading: Double Dutch
- Grammar: Sentence Order, Common and Proper Nouns
- Religion: Lesson 4 & Faith fact (Study guide provided)
- Prayer: Stations of the Cross
- Science: Food Chain and Food Web
- Prayer Test (Stations of the Cross – Sequencing)
- Spelling Test (Spelling & Vocabulary)
- Grammar – Sentence Correction (Multiple Choice)
- Religion Lesson 3
- Math – Module 1 Test
- Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)
- Vocabulary (Multiple Choice)
- Decoding (Multiple Choice)
- Nov 4th -1st trimester Mass reflection
Students must complete 6 Sunday Mass Reflections. Mass Reflections will only be counted if you have completed the reflection from a Catholic Mass you have attended. Non-Catholic services and Reconciliation Prayer are not a Mass.
Non-Catholics are still required to complete the Gospel Reflection. They can use the website attached in Google Classroom to complete the form. I gave out the mass reflection papers during the first week of September.
Important Reminders
- Restroom Policy: As a reminder, students may use the restroom during transitions and breaks. Please encourage your child to use these opportunities as repeated requests during class discussions will result in a clip down.
- Uniforms: Boys are required to wear belts. Please check that your child is in full uniform each morning. Uniform infractions will be issued if students are not compliant.
- Make-Up Tests: Parents, if your child misses a test, please email me to schedule a make-up session for Make-Up Monday. Without an appointment, your child will receive an NI (Needs Improvement) on the missed test. Remember, big tests are given every Thursday and Friday.
- Drinks: Please avoid sending soda, sugary drinks, Starbucks, and boba to school. We encourage students to make healthy choices.
Lastly, if you’d like to support our classroom, here’s the link to our Classroom Wishlist: Wishlist. Right now, we are in need of hand sanitizers and Lysol Disinfectant Spray. If you would like to donate, that would be greatly appreciated, and your generosity will help keep our classroom safe and healthy. Thank you!
School calendar can be found (clicking here)
- Sept 23-Oct 11 – Yearbook Cover Contest
- Sept 24 – Anti-Bullying Assembly with Monica Harmon in Hall (3 different sessions by grade level)
- Sept 26 – Trojan Drawing #2 outside by St. Jude statue at 1pm
- Sept 30 – Let teachers know if your child is Catholic or non-Catholic and if you wish for them to receive sacraments this year
- October 2 – 1st Mandatory Parent Faith Formation meeting on Theology of the Body ($50 for non-participation: Choose 3 of 4 options)
- October 7-11 – Parent Conference Week, noon dismissal all week
- October 14 – Columbus Day/Indigenous People’s Day NO SCHOOL
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. I look forward to another great week of learning with your child!
Thank you & God Bless!
Ms. Alejandre
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