Dear Fifth Grade Families,
I hope everyone is well. Here’s a look at what’s coming up this week, 10/7-10/11. Please make sure to read all important information to avoid questions that are clearly stated on all emails. I would greatly appreciate it! If you missed my email last week, you can check out my school blog;
10/7-10/11 Noon Dismissal (Parent-Teacher Conference)
This week will be noon dismissal, daycare is offered from 12-6pm. Each family is given 15 mins time slot, if you arrive 10 mins late, you will be rescheduled to the next available schedule. I will be discussing your child’s STAR test results and progress report. Please keep in mind that the progress report is just a snapshot of where your child is at right now. Final Grades will be given at the end of the 1st trimester.
Parent-Teacher Conference Schedule
I sent out the conference reminder slips with your child last Thursday (10/03), including the date and time of your chosen conference. If you haven’t received it, please ask your child to hand it to you.
You can also check your schedule by clicking this link: Conference Schedule.
Truancy Policy
A student is considered truant when he or she is absent from school without a valid excuse for three full days in one school year or is tardy or absent for more than any 30-minute period during the school day on three occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof. The school shall report the student to the local public school district’s attendance office or the public-school district’s superintendent.
In the event that a school suspects that a student is truant (absent from school without a valid excuse), the school administration should first contact the parents/guardians. If the school suspects that the student is a habitual truant (absent three times in a school year without a valid excuse) and all resources at the school level have been exhausted, the school principal should notify the local Child Welfare and Attendance authorities.
If a student has been reported once as a truant and then is absent again for one or more days without a valid excuse or tardy on one or more days without a valid excuse, the school should again report the student as truant to the local public school district’s attendance office or the public school district’s superintendent. A student who has been reported as truant three or more times is considered a habitual truant and is subject to dismissal.
If a student has been absent without excuse, and it is impossible to contact the parents/guardians or designated emergency contacts within 4 hours and after repeated attempts, the school should notify the attendance office of the local public school district, the local police department, Child Protective Services, or all of those agencies.
Focus of the Week
- Math: Represent Division with 2-Digit Divisors
- Reading: Sequence of Events, Identifying Themes
- Grammar: Compound Subject Complements
- Religion: Lesson 5 (Study guide provided)
- Prayer: The Mysteries of the Rosary (Study guide provided)
- Math Quiz (Relating Multiplication to Division)
- Language Quiz (Compound Direct Objects)
- Prayer Test (Five joyful and sorrowful mysteries – Multiple Choice)
- Word Study Test (Long u + long oo words)
- Religion Test Lesson 5
- Reading Test: Sequence of Events, Identifying Themes
- Oct 7th – Saint Report Essay Map (Assigned Oct 1 on Google Classroom)
- Nov 4th -1st trimester Mass reflection (6 reflections for the 1st trimester)
Important Reminders
- Restroom Policy: As a reminder, students may use the restroom during transitions and breaks. Please encourage your child to use these opportunities as repeated requests during class discussions will result in a clip down.
- Uniforms: Boys are required to wear belts. Please check that your child is in full uniform each morning. Uniform infractions will be issued if students are not compliant.
- Make-Up Tests: Parents, if your child misses a test, please email me to schedule a make-up session for Make-Up Monday. Without an appointment, your child will receive an NI (Needs Improvement) on the missed test. Remember, big tests are given every Thursday and Friday.
- Drinks: Please avoid sending soda, sugary drinks, Starbucks, and boba to school. We encourage students to make healthy choices.
Lastly, if you’d like to support our classroom, here’s the link to our Classroom Wishlist: Wishlist. Right now, we are in need of hand sanitizers and Lysol Disinfectant Spray. If you would like to donate, that would be greatly appreciated, and your generosity will help keep our classroom safe and healthy. Thank you!
School calendar can be found (clicking here)
- Sept 3-October 11– Fall Chocolate Fundraiser
- Sept 23-Oct 11 – Yearbook Cover Contest
- October 7-11 – Parent Conference Week, noon dismissal all week
- October 14 – Columbus Day/Indigenous People’s Day NO SCHOOL
- October 17 – All School Talent Show in the Hall
- October 29 – Picture Makeup Day
- October 31 – Halloween Trunk or Treat (NOON DISMISSAL), Daycare till 3pm ONLY, 8th grade fundraiser at 11am (pizza sale), Daycare only from 12-3pm today (follow all Halloween dress up guidelines)
- November 1 – All Saints’ Day: 8am All School Mass and Dress up, K-8 procession before 8am Mass (in saints’ costumes)
- November 2 – All Souls’ Day
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. I look forward to another great week of learning with your child!
Thank you & God Bless!
Ms. Alejandre
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