Dear Kinder Families,
Happy 7th week of Kindergarten! Thank you for all the prayers for my family this weekend, it was very much appreciated and I am so thankful for your blessings! This week, we finished Module 3 in our math books and will be moving on to Module 4! It has been such a pleasure being their teacher and I look forward to these next few months filled with learning and celebrating the holiday season with them!
This week is a 12:00pm noon dismissal for the whole school for parent teacher conferences, there is day care after school until 6pm if needed! Please carefully read below to avoid questions that can be answered in this email. If you miss a weekly newsletter, you can always check out my class blog at !
Parent-Teacher Conferences this week!
Parent Teacher Conferences will be this week Monday – Friday during your selected time slots. This is the halfway mark of the first trimester! I will be sharing your child’s progress report and their Window 1 STAR ELA scores. (Kindergarten does not take Math!) Please keep in mind that each family has an only 15 minute conference! Children are welcomed to join our conferences 🙂
CA Science Center Field Trip – October 24
I am so excited for our 1st field trip of the year! Kindergarten and 1st grade will be going together to the CA Science Center on Thursday, Oct 24th. Please ensure to complete your invoices in the office with Mr. Aguilar, you do not need to send in money to me– just their permission forms!
Halloween Costumes
To ensure that all costumes follow our Catholic School’s Halloween costume guidelines, I would like to ask everyone what costume their child is planning to wearon October 31. Please be sure costumes meet all guidelines. They must be appropriate and pre-approved, or a student may be sent home to change. Please let me know what your child is wearing by via by October 25th. You can add it on the link below!
- Costumes should be child-friendly. No inflatables, no gory or scary clowns, no devils, or scary costumes
- No Harry Potter or Pokémon costumes (please see Mrs. Grey’s email)
- Costumes Should Not:
- Be obstructive, offensive, inappropriate for a Catholic school (not revealing), gory, evil, or violent
- Drag on the ground
- Contain sharp objects, pointed objects, or materials that may accidentally strike another person.
- Contain any weapons that resemble or could be mistaken for an actual weapon.
- Should not encourage cross-dressing. Boys dress up like boys, and girls dress up like girls
Saint Puppet Project DUE Nov 1st:
Please send the completed puppet into class by November 1st.
For templates and suggestions:
*Please be sure your child is involved in creating their puppet.*
All Saints’ Day Dress-Up
On Friday November 1st, students may come to school dressed up as ANY Saint.
Saint costumes do not need to be elaborate! Students will process in Mass with the school in their costumes. Costumes should go over your child’s school uniform, as we will be changing after Mass. This will be part of their Religion participation grade.
School calendar can be found (clicking here)
- Sept 3-October 11– Fall Chocolate Fundraiser
- Sept 23-Oct 11 – Yearbook Cover Contest
- October 7-11 – Parent Conference Week, noon dismissal all week
- October 14 –Indigenous People’s Day NO SCHOOL
- October 23-31 – Red Ribbon Week (wear red shirts on 10/23)
- October 25 – Chocolate Sale Money Due today by 3:30pm to avoid late fees
- October 25 – First Kindergarten School Mass (Formal Mass uniforms)
- October 29 – Picture Makeup Day with Keys Studios (Formal Mass Uniform for those taking photos)
- October 31 – Halloween Trunk or Treat (NOON DISMISSAL), Daycare till 3pm ONLY, 8th grade fundraiser at 11am (pizza sale), Daycare only from 12-3pm today (follow all Halloween dress up guidelines)
- November 1 – All Saints’ Day: 8am All School Mass and Dress up, K-8 procession before 8am Mass (in saints’ costumes), presale for 8th grade poinsettia sale begins
- November 2 – All Souls’ Day
- November 12 – Vision to Learn on campus for screening at 8:30 am (everyone gets screened for FREE eyeglasses, except the opt-outs, form was due 10/4)
Many Blessings,
Mrs. Garrido
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