Hello St. Anthony Parents and Guardians, I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy! I wanted to give you a few updates for music. Music Class GradesPlease note, that music class is still graded the same way. Every week students get an assignment that is worth 10 points and is graded on if they did it, or they did not. I have been accepting … [Read more...]
Music 4/27-5/1/20
Hi Everyone, This week is catch up week in music. This means, that if you have any missing work in music, please use this time to finish up the assignments and turn it in. Work missed may include: Hope will Rise Project (K-8) Hope will Rise Reflection (3-8) Build Your Kingdom Here or Trust in You Hand Motions (K-5) Uplfiting Playlist (K-5) Musical Genre … [Read more...]
Music Class 4/20-2/24/20
Hello Everyone! Jr. High: Assignment is to complete your Musical Genre Project. K-5: Assignment is below! Something really special about music is that is can bring you joy - especially in hard times. I thought it would be fun to create a *School/Class Playlist* of songs that are "uplifting" - songs that inspire happiness and hope! 1. First, check out one or two of my … [Read more...]
Primary Lenten Retreat
Christ Peace St. Anthony family, At 10:30 this morning our primary students were given a retreat and so I would like to thank all for participating. The comments and prayer intentions you had included really deepen this prayer experience for all. I would also like to apologize to parents and students who were unable to join us due to the limit of 100 participants. I did … [Read more...]
Music Class 4/6/20-4/9/20
Hi Everyone! Happy (almost) Holy Week! Below are the lesson plans for Holy Week for music! Please view the lesson plans attached for more detailed information! Please note: siblings are welcome to work together and create something as a group. Our Zoom times are the same as last week. Please feel free to come on and ask any questions! Assignments: K-5: … [Read more...]
Thank you!
Friday, March 27 Mass with Msgr. Pilato
Here is the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zZVzjuJ18GAyqW8QVFgZ9KGktaU0BPSv?usp=sharing I will also be posting for Sunday's Mass. So come back for the link then. … [Read more...]
Music Class 3/31-4/3/2020
Hello Everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Lessons plans are below, please note a few important updates from me below! Hope Will Rise Music Project has been extended for a week, the new due date is next Friday, April 3, 2020. If you have already turned it in, you don't have to worry about it this week (unless you feel like creating more music of course). Zoom … [Read more...]
2020 Lenten Project
Dear SAP Friends and Family, Our beloved sisters from the Lovers of the Holy Cross are making masks for St. Joseph Hospital, Providence Hospital, and the homeless. If anyone is so inclined, we ask you and your family and friends to donate new cotton fabric if you have any at your home. The sisters need it ASAP, so they can give it to places in need. Parents can drop it off … [Read more...]
Annunciation Mass with Msgr. Pilato and LHC sisters
Christ Peace St. Anthony of Padua School family, This is the Annunciation Mass from our convent, this morning. It is in clips just follow the order. I "zoomed" with my students, celebrating mass together. It is a good hour. Anyone with the link is able to view.https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hOz7MEjqIbg3zlbVAcXDuXbTf9O0ywow?usp=sharing Hopefully this goes well. … [Read more...]