Dear Kindergarten Families,I hope everyone is well and enjoyed the weekend. It is with great pleasure and pride that we celebrate the end of our first trimester. Over the past few months, I have witnessed remarkable growth and development in your children. I am thrilled to see the enthusiasm and curiosity your children bring to the classroom each … [Read more...]
Homework for Thursday, November 8
Kindergarten News 11/6 – 11/10
Dear Kindergarten Families,I hope everyone is well. We truly had a spooktacular week. Thank you to everyone who helped with our Kindergarten Ghost Busters and Princess Trunk or Treat. What a wonderfully creative way to represent our class. It was a big hit and enjoyed by all! I appreciate all the Saints for All Saints Day Mass. We continue to enjoy everyone's videos and … [Read more...]
Kindergarten News 10/30 – 11/3
Dear Kindergarten Families,I hope everyone is well and enjoying a blessed weekend. Thank you to our parent chaperones, Mrs. Gomez (Leonardo's mom) and Mrs. Le (Vashti's mom), Mr. Pineda (Gianni's dad) and Mrs. Garcia, our music teacher, for making our Sound of Musical field trip possible. Incorporating live performing arts shows into a Kindergarten … [Read more...]
Kindergarten News 10/23 – 10/27
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope this email finds you well. I am so proud of our Kindergarteners who did so well attending our first Mass. We genuflected, prayed and were blessed! Thank you to our 8th grade friends who sit with us in the pews. I kindly ask everyone please take the time to read all the information below. Morning Routine As you are aware, we only … [Read more...]
Kindergarten News 10/16 – 10/20
Dear Kindergarten Families,I hope everyone is well and enjoying the weekend. Last week, our Kindergarteners met their 6th grade book buddies. During our Book Buddy Meet and Greet, your child colored bookmarks (as part of our Lakers Literacy Challenge) and read their selected library book. I love seeing everyone's excitement to visit the library, read books, … [Read more...]
Kindergarten News 10/9 – 10/13
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope everyone is enjoying a blessed weekend. Thank you everyone for making time for our Parent-Teacher Conference. I enjoyed updating everyone on how we are settling into our Kindergarten routines and setting the foundation for glowing and growing.Thank you to PLC library lead, Mrs. Cofield, for ensuring our library is an inviting … [Read more...]
Kindergarten News 10/2 – 10/6
Dear Kindergarten Families,I hope everyone is well and having a blessed weekend. Our school honored our community's first responders with last Friday's Blue Mass. Thank you to everyone who helped with the reception which proudly displayed Kindergarten artwork! Our class wrote and illustrated Thank You cards, hero coloring sheets, and decorated their own helping … [Read more...]
Kindergarten News – 9/25 through 9/18
Blue Mass Celebrated Friday, Sept 29th, 8am SEPTEMBER 23, 2023 You are cordially invited to attend the Blue Mass this Friday, September 29th, 8am, at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church. … [Read More...] Back-to-School Night (9/7) Presentation Now Online SEPTEMBER 8, 2023 The "Back-to-School Night" slideshow presented on 9/7/2023 is now online and can … [Read more...]
Kindergarten News 9/17 – 9/22
Dear Kindergarten Families,I hope everyone is well. Thank you Room Parent team, Mrs. Pineda, Mrs. Gomez, Mrs. Le and Mrs. Vasquez for all your planning, care and support and thank you to all the families who were able to join us! I am grateful and blessed to be a part of the St. Anthony community. Here is all the information that you and your child will need starting with … [Read more...]