Why do parents need 30 hours of school service hours? Can you give me some more information on school service?
Per the tuition contract that is signed and renewed every year, there is a mandatory participation clause. Families are asked to sign up for 1-2 parent leadership committees (PLCs) each year and serve at the school for at least 30 hours (equating to $15 an hour). If families do not serve a minimum (there is no maximum) of 30 hours a year, they will be billed accordingly. Families who cannot volunteer their time can pay for this in advance or will be billed at the end of April. Families also have the option of rolling it into their monthly automatic FACTS payments taken out of their bank account every 5th or 20th of the month so payment is spread out over the whole year.
Families need to serve 30 hours (valued at $15 an hour). Non-participation results in a fee of $450 at the end of April. You will be sent an invoice if this obligation is not met.
Each PLC meeting will count for hours served as well, so it’s imperative to sign in and out at every meeting and at every committee event, for which you volunteer. The PLC lead/chair will give the sign-in sheet to our Finance Secretary, Carlos Aguilar, and your hours will be recorded in the system and you will be invoiced or credited accordingly.
Mandatory Parent meetings do not count toward service hours. The first one is Back To School Night and parents must sign in or send someone in their place to sign in or there is a $50 fine. (see tuition contract)
Other mandatory participation includes attending Bake Sales for your child’s class and at least 8 hours per family at the Fiesta in May. Please mark your calendars for this. Your PLC chair will take attendance at all meetings, but your hours should be logged by you in writing, as a backup (with meeting dates and times from your meeting minutes), to show proof of your participation in case there is any discrepancy.